Principles of Effective Communication

General Communication

General communication is the transmission of information or messages from one person to the other or among individuals through the use of various channels such as sending emails, to achieve a mutual understanding with whom they are communicating with.

Adapting to Suit An Audience

There are a number of techniques that should be kept in mind whenever talking to an audience. These are; voice modulation, pitch change and use of terminology.

Voice Modulation
Modulating your voice means to change the pitch of it up and down. If the presenter was to keep their voice at the same pitch throughout, they will sound odd and boring and may even bore their audience. If the audience are bored, they will not listen to the presenter. This could become a problem at Rainbow Light if what was being discussed was important for carrying out a task or if the presentation was related to health and safety procedures.

Pitch Change
By changing the pitch of their voice, the presenter may be highlighting important points to their audience. Changes in pitch can be used to add extra emphasis to a word or phrase or give it a subtle feel. If the presenter was to change his or her pitch for an important word or phrase, that word or phrase will stand out and be remebered by the audience. If someone is giving a presentation at Rainbow Light on an important subject, such as health and safety, they must ensure that they change their pitch in order to emphasis certain points. 

The presenter must be aware of their audiences knowledge of the issue that is being raised. The correct terminology must be used so that everyone in the audience understands what is being discussed. If the terminology is too advanced or simple for the audience, they may not understand what the is being discussed or they may feel that they are being patronised if the terminology is too simple for them. If the employees at Rainbow Light are being briefed on a task which they must carry out, the person who is briefing them must ensure that the terminology they use is not too complicated or simple so that everyone understands what they are being told.

Employees at Rainvow Light must also take terminology into account whenever they are speaking with a client. If the words they use are too complicated, the client may not understand what is being discussed. Also, if the words used are too simple, the client may feel that the person from Rainbow Light is insulting their intelligence.

Engaging An Audience

To maintain the interest of the audience, the presenter needs to apply various techniques. To ensure that the audience remain alert throughout, the presenter should vary their tone and pitch. If they keep the same tone and pitch for the whole presentation they may bore or confuse their audience. Adding short pauses from time to time can allow the audience to take in certain details. By doing these, anyone at Rainbow Light who has to give a presentation to either their fellow employees or a group outside of Rainbow Light will be able to ensure that their audience remains engaged to what they are saying throughout the presentation.  

The use of multimedia can also help to engage an audience. By adding music, pictures or videos to a slide show, the presenter can keep the attention of their audience on the topic or issue. A Q&A could also be added in at the end of the slide show. If this is mentioned at the beginning of the slide show, the audience may feel that they have to listen in case they are asked a question.

Interpersonal Communication

Interpersonal communication is the process that we use to communicate our ideas, thoughts and feelings to another person. Our interpersonal communication skills are behaviours that can be improved through knowledge, practice, feedback and reflection.

Interpersonal communication can be used within Rainbow Light for a number of reasons; give and collect information, influence others, form contacts, maintain relationships, make decisions, solve problems and give emotional support.
Interpersonal communication can also be used between Rainbow Light's staff and their clients. Interpersonal communication can be used to give information to the client so that Rainbow Light can then collect the necessary information from them.

Interpersonal communication is necessary in Rainbow Light for a number of reasons. During an interview the applicant must be able to convince the interviewer that they are the right person for the job. Another example of interpersonal communication being used within Rainbow Light would be when someone needs to solve a problem. If there is a problem such as a fault in a piece of equipment, the person who discovered the fault would have to report this to the appropriate person so that this fault can be solved.

If interpersonal communication is not used properly

Methods of Interpersonal Communication

There are 3 methods of interpersonal communication; verbal exchanges, signing and lip reading.

Verbal Exchanges

Verbal exchanges are exchanges which consist of talking and listening. Verbal exchanges are used by most people but there are some people who can't use verbal communication. These people may be deaf or can not speak. Verbal exchanges are constantly being used throughout Rainbow Light. Wether it's an employee talking to another employee or their boss, verbal exchanges are the main method of interpersonal communication within Rainbow Light.Instead of using verbal exchanges they can use sign language or lip reading. These 2 methods of communication are described below.

Sign Language

Sign language consists of manual communication and body language instead of sound patterns to convey meanings. Hand shapes, movement of the hands and body and facial expressions are mostly used to express thoughts and feelings. Sign language is not only performed by deaf people but also by those who are unable to speak. If Rainbow Light happens to have a customer who can not hear or speak, it is important that they have a member of their team who is able to communicate with them.
Lip Reading

Those who can lip read are able to interpret the sound of speech through the movement of the lips and tongue along with facial expressions. Lip readers are also able to observe the syllables and phrasing of speech.

Positive Language

There are a number of ways Rainbow Light employees can portray being positive. This can be through the way they speak or through their body language. Employees at Rainbow Light can come across as being positive by using positive words and phrases such as 'yes' or 'that's interesting'. Rainbow Light employees can also show positivness through the use of body language. Positive body language includes; nodding, leaning towards the speaker or smiling. However, the employee must be aware that over doing any of these can make them come across as arrogant or creepy. By using positive language, Rainbow Light employees can come across as being intersted in what is being said and showing a willingness to work.
Negative Language

There are also a number of ways Rainbow Light employees can portray being negative. Employees who talk over someone else, are sarcastic or have bad body language are considered negative. Negative phrases that may be used by Rainbow Light employees include; 'it's too difficult', 'it can't be fixed' or 'this is boring'. While an employee may think this, it is important that they keep this to themselves as it may affect the morale of their co-workers. 

Written Communication Skills

Written communication is different from other forms of communication as it requires skills such as being able to write or type. It also requires a good knowledge of the vocabulary and grammar of a specific language.

There are many examples of how written communication can be used at Rainbow Light. Written communication can be used to write letters, emails, memos and agendas.

Types of Written Communication

There are many different types of written communication. These include; emails, reports, webpages, social networking posts, memos and blogs. The 2 types of written communication which will be discussed below are emails and reports.


Employees at Rainbow Light can use email to communicate with fellow employees and also those who are oversee them. By using email, employees are able to send work or advice to other. They can also communicate with their employers if they have any queries or problems. Rainbow Light can also use email as a way of advertising their business. They could send current and potential customers emails to promote their services and to remind them of upcoming events.


Employers or supervisiors at Rainbow Light could write progress reports for the employees at the company in order to track their progress. These reports could be used by management at Rainbow Light to see which employees need extra motivation or which employees deserve perhaps a promotion or extra praise. By using these reports, management could experiment with different motivational techniques and review at the end of each month which techniques work best for their employees.

Written Communication Skills

There are a number of different types of written communication skills. These include; proof reading, grammar and spelling, guidelines, structure and note taking. The 2 types of written communication that will be explained below are proof reading and structure.

Proof Reading

Everyone who works at Rainbow Light should ensure that they proof read what they write whether that be what they have wrote in an email or in a task. By proof reading what they have wrote, employees at Rainbow Light minimise the chance of spelling or grammar mistakes. If they have alot of spelling or grammar mistakes in a piece of work, the person who is looking over that work may feel that that employee does not have the appropriate level of English and may enroll them on a course or even bring someone else in to replace them. They must also proof read emails or messages sent to other employees as they may contain words or phrases which may be offensive towards a certain group of people.


If an employee at Rainbow Light structures their work well, it will be easier for the person who is proofreading or receiving the document to read and identify certain sections of the document. Having a structured document will also make the employees work look more professional. If an employee produces a piece of work which has a poor layout, it may be hard to read or understand as everything is all over the place.

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